The DTSSAB Launches By-Name List

The District of Timiskaming Social Services Board is launching the Timiskaming By-Name List in conjunction with National Housing Day on November 22, 2021. The By-Name list is an essential tool for ending homelessness in our communities. It can help connect people to services and can create a foundation for better service coordination. The list provides a more consistent approach for assessment and referral protocols to make sure clients are being matched to the services they need.

The intention behind the By-Name List is to use and share data and information more effectively to achieve the best outcomes for local individuals experiencing homelessness. The By-Name List will collect data on consenting individuals experiencing homelessness across the entire district of Timiskaming to help connect with local supports and community partners.

The need for the By-Name list was highlighted through the results of the Timiskaming Counts 2021 Homeless Enumeration. An infographic outlining the results of the Enumeration are attached.

The Ontario government believes that everyone deserves a place to call home and provides funding to support housing and homelessness programs in our district. The Province also believes that achieving alignment throughout the Province is the best path forward to establishing a comprehensive and effective approach for addressing homelessness. One method of achieving alignment is through the creation of a the provincially mandated By-Name List.

For more information contact:

Lyne Labelle -

Picture describing homelessness statistics in the district of Timiskaming

Homelessness Count Underway Across the District of Timiskaming

The issue of homelessness has been gaining attention in the District of Timiskaming and across the Province of Ontario. The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB), in partnership with several service agencies in our communities, is conducting a count of individuals experiencing homelessness over one week, between September 12th and September 18th.

This count is part of a province-wide effort to gain a better understanding of homelessness in communities across the province. This count will allow not only the DTSSAB, but all service agencies across the district, to be able to learn more about, and respond to, the issue of homelessness in the District of Timiskaming. The requirements for the 2021 Homeless Enumeration introduce more consistency in methodology so that the data can be used to provide point-in-time snapshots of homelessness across the District of Timiskaming.

The method being used to collect the information is known as a Point in Time (PIT) Count that identifies the number of people experiencing homelessness on a specific night, for a single point in time. In addition to the PIT count, a registry week will be conducted surveying individuals experiencing homelessness throughout the Enumeration week of September 12th to September 18th.

Surveys will be available at agencies across the district where respondents will be offered a pre-survey asking, “Where are you sleeping tonight?”

Anyone not sleeping in their own house or apartment will have the opportunity to complete the survey, in addition to those whose current housing feels unsafe or are one unexpected bill away from homelessness. The survey is voluntary, confidential and respondents will receive a gift card to local stores, as well as a bag of personal care items.

The survey is designed not to be a simple headcount of homelessness, but to dig deeper in understanding patterns and reasons why. The results will help us plan services to meet the needs of the community. The homelessness count will take place province-wide every two years and results will be made publicly available in the months following the count. Individuals or families who are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness are encouraged to visit the DTSSAB at 290 Armstrong Street in New Liskeard or 29 Duncan Avenue N. in Kirkland Lake.

For further information please visit or by phone at (888)-544-5555 x 3247 to learn what supports may be available.

Reopening of the DTSSAB Offices

We’re open.  The DTSSAB

The DTSSAB is committed to supporting individuals in need throughout the community. In reflection of Ontario’s present position in the Roadmap to Reopening, our offices are open for in-person appointments.

 The DTSSAB is open during regular business hours for in-person services; weekdays 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and closed between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. Read more about our service locations and office hours here:

 We are committed to keeping the public and staff safe through strict adherence to safety protocols as set out by Public Health, including but not limited to:

  • Social distancing

  • Wearing of masks or face coverings

  • Screening of all visitors at reception

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols

  • Plexiglass barriers

  • Availability of secure drop boxes

 If possible, please call our office to schedule an appointment in advance. Walk-in services are available.

 Please note, our open status is dependent upon Public Health’s recommendations, any changes will be communicated through public channels including social media and press releases.

 We look forward to reconnecting with you in person!

Housing Services online applications are now available

The DTSSAB’s Housing Services Program is pleased to announce that Online Applications are now available at

  • Online Application is available 24 hrs./day

  • You will need a valid current email and to create a personalized account

  • You will be asked to upload eligibility documents based on your application

  • You submit your application online when complete

  • You can check the status of your application through your account

  • We will contact you through your account/email

Targeted School-Aged Emergency Child Care in Timiskaming

Beginning April 19, the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board, in collaboration with our Licensed Child Care Centres and Licensed Home Childcare Providers, will be implementing emergency childcare during the current stay-at-home order and provincial emergency.

The Ontario government has opted to move elementary and secondary schools to remote learning following the April break. This move has been made as a preventative measure in response to the rapid increase of community transmission of COVID-19 cases, and the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 variants across the province.

Licensed childcare programs will continue for younger children, which includes infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Childcare programs that are co-located within a school may continue as approved by individual school boards. As part of this order, before and after school programs, and Early ON programs will be closed.

Beginning April 19, Emergency child care services for children 3.8 to 12 years old (junior kindergarten, senior kindergarten and school-aged children) will be available at no cost for provincially identified essential service workers who are not able to acquire alternative child care and/or are unable to accommodate care at home for their school-aged children. We would like to remind everyone that the safest option for families is to have children remain at home, if possible.

The DTSSAB will continue to work closely with the Timiskaming Health Unit, Licensed childcare providers and local school boards to identify interest and prepare for the opening of emergency child care locations for school-aged children. Information will be posted on once details are confirmed.

Inquiries can be directed to DTSSAB Children’s Services at our toll free numbers 1-888-544-5555 or 1-800-627-2944.

UPDATE: Application forms for Emergency Child Care for School-Aged Children are below and available in French and English.

Targeted Emergency Child Care – School-Aged Children Application Form (English - PDF)
Programme de garde d’enfants d’urgence ciblé – enfants d’âge scolaire (Francais - PDF)

COVID Cases identified at 25 Tweedsmuir in Kirkland Lake

The Timiskaming Health Unit has identified that as of 3:00pm on March 19th four residents at
the multi-residential complex on 25/25A Tweedsmuir Road in Kirkland Lake have tested
positive for the COVID-19 virus. One of the cases is associated with a variant of concern. As
the owner of the complex, the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board is
working with health unit staff to complete all necessary contact tracing and coordination of
testing for residents and employees as required.

Throughout the pandemic, the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board
has been taking all necessary precautions based on Public Health Ontario's Infection
Prevention and Control guidelines to reduce the risk of infections and prevent transmission of
COVID-19 among employees, residents and visitors. "We take our responsibility to ensure the
safety of our residents and staff seriously and are committed to supporting the health unit until
the situation at our complex is resolved," said Chair Doug Jelly.

The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board employees will continue to do
whatever we can to prevent the virus's further spread. We will continue to work in collaboration
with the health unit until the situation at the housing complex is resolved. We will provide
updates as information is available. We want to thank everyone for their support by continuing
to follow public health guidelines.

Kelly Black
Chief Administrative Officer

Request for Proposal - Community Safety & Well-being Plan

The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (“DTSSAB”) wishes to embark on a process to develop a Community Safety & Well-being plan on behalf of our 23 member Municipalities and the Municipality of Temagami (The “Municipalities”) in accordance with the Police Service Act.

To that end the DTSSAB is looking for a proponent to assist in:

• Leading a planning process that will engage all 24 communities within the catchment area and ensure multi-sectoral buy-in while meeting legislative requirements:

• Supporting an Advisory Committee and a multi-sectoral Working Group(s) as required in identifying priorities, determining outcomes, selecting strategies, developing an implementation plan along with monitoring and evaluation indicators: and

• Embedding the planning process within the Municipalities.

For more information please see our RFP document below.

RFP-2021-01 (PDF)