DTSSAB Holds Inaugural Meeting and Welcomes New Board

The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board (DTSSAB) welcomed their new Board on January 19th, 2023. Derek Mundle, the representative of Area 2, was re-elected Chair, and Pat Kiely, from Area 1, was appointed Vice-Chair. 

The 2023 Board is comprised of five returning Board members, including Board Chair Derek Mundle from Evanturel, Vice-Chair Pat Kiely from Kirkland Lake, Clifford Fielder from Harley Township, Ian Macpherson from the Territories Without Municipal Organization (TWOMO) North, and Jesse Foley from the City of Temiskaming Shores. The DTSSAB welcomes four new Board members, Jeff Laferriere from the City of Temiskaming Shores, Lois Perry from Coleman Township, Mary Jo Lentz from TWOMO South, and Rick Owen from Kirkland Lake.  

“I am happy to be returning as Chair for DTSSAB, continuing with the work we started last term,” said Chair Derek Mundle, “I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the DTSSAB team to support the delivery of required services in the Timiskaming district.” 

“We welcome the opportunity to connect with returning and new Board members and convey the importance of the DTSSAB’s Vision, Mission, and Values and the services we provide. The Board serves as an essential role representing and communicating on behalf of the municipalities and territories they represent,” Mark Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer.  

The next meeting of the DTSSAB Board will be held on February 1st, 2023, at the Evanturel Township Hall, where the Board will continue their onboarding and be presented with program specific orientations and budgets.  

The 2023 Board Meeting Schedule was approved at the meeting and can be found at www.dtssab.com, along with past Board Minutes, upcoming Board Agendas, and Board Governance By-Laws and Policies.  


Any further queries can be directed to: communications@dtssab.com

100% enrollment into the Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care (CWELCC) system

The DTSSAB is pleased to inform that the Timiskaming District has reached 100% enrollment into the Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care (CWELCC) system in advance of the November 1st, deadline. The Children’s Services Team has been diligently working to enroll the six (6) Child Care providers who provide care at sixteen (16) different sites throughout the area into the system.

For the full press release, click here.


The DTSSAB will be holding the election for its Area 6 TWOMO Board member seat on October 24th, 2022. The five candidates seeking election are: Albert Bouchard, Barbara Kendrick, Ian Macpherson, Chris Wray, and Linda Yule.

Qualified electors for Area 6 will be able to vote in-person from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM are as follows:

Englehart Arena and Community Hall
80 Seventh Ave., Englehart

Kenogami Fire Hall and Community Centre
5450 Hwy 11, Kenogami

Royal Canadian Legion, Larry Brown Room
1 Summerhayes Ave., Kirkland Lake

Who is qualified as an elector in this election?

  • A person is entitled to vote in a DTSSAB election if he or she or they on voting day:

  • Resides in one of the below-listed unincorporated townships, or is the owner or tenant of land in the township, or the spouse of such owner or tenant;

  • Is a Canadian citizen;

  • Is at least 18 years old; and

  • Is not prohibited from voting by law or under theMunicipal Elections Act 1996.

Michie, Nordica, Terry, Lee, Maisonville, Arnold, Katrine, Ossian, Pharand, Childerhouse, Doyle,Musgrove, Bartlett, Geikie, Cleaver, McNeil, Robertson, Sheba, Dunmore, Bompas, Grenfell, Lebel, Hincks, Argule, Baden, Alma, Holmes, Burt, Eby, Otto, Boston, McElroy, McFadden, Montrose, Bannockburn, Flavelle, Gross, Blain, Marquis, Pacaud, Catharine, Rattray, Willison, Davidson, Sharpe, Savard, Marter, Bayly, Mulligan.

On election day, each voter must bring with them official documentation such as a driver’s licence or a passport showing the qualifying address the voter is residing at in one of the above townships. If the official documentation is a Health Card or another government identification which does not show the qualifying address, then the documentation must be accompanied by a utility bill, bank account statement, tax bill or any documentation that can confirm the residency at the official address.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Don Studholme
Returning Officer

Area 6 TWOMO Election for the DTSSAB Board

On October 24th, 2022, the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board will be holding an election to determine the Area 6 Territories without Municipal Organization (TWOMO) Board member seat. The five candidates for the seat are: Albert Bouchard from Pacaud Township, Linda Yule from Otto Township, Barbara Kendrick from Lebel Township, Christopher Wray from Bayley Township, and incumbent Ian MacPherson from Grenfell Township.

Area 6 consists of the following townships: Hillary, Reynolds, McKeown, Fripp, McArthur, Douglas, Fallon, Fasken, Michie, Nordica, Terry, Lee, Maisonville, Arnold, Katrine, Ossian, Pharand, Childerhouse, Doyle, Musgrove, Bartlett, Geikie, Cleaver, McNeil, Robertson, Sheba, Dunmore, Bompas, Grenfell, Lebel, Hincks, Argule, Baden, Alma, Holmes, Burt, Eby, Otto, Boston, McElroy, McFadden, Montrose, Bannockburn, Flavelle, Gross, Blain, Marquis, Pacaud, Catharine, Rattray, Willison, Davidson, Sharpe, Savard, Marter, Bayly and Mulligan.

If you reside in one of the above-referenced townships and wish to vote on October 24th, you can confirm you are on the voter list by going to VoterLookup.ca. If your name is not on the voters list and you wish to add it, attend the DTSSAB office at 29 Duncan Ave. North, Kirkland Lake to complete the respective form. Voter Notification Cards will be forwarded to all registered voters in Area 6 by October 7th indicating where the polling station will be held for your township. A reminder to be an eligible voter you must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old, and residing in one of the townships in Area 6 or an owner or tenant of land there or the spouse of such owner or tenant.

For the Area 7, TWOMO, Board member seat, Mary Jo Lentz of Tudhope township has been acclaimed to the Board as the sole candidate.

Any additional information can be requested by contacting the following:

Don Studholme, Returning Officer
Email : studholmed@dtssab.com
Phone: 705-567-9366 ext 3251
Mobile: 705-567-7448

July 5th Unveiling of Off-Road Response Unit (ORU)


Due to generous contributions from community partners – the DTSSAB will be formally unveiling the Off-Road Response Unit (ORU) on July 5th, at the Harbourfront Pavilion, in Haileybury.

Since its debut in Spring 2021 the ORU has been deployed on numerous occasions and has been instrumental in several emergencies.

The Off-Road Response Unit, and its accompanying fully enclosed response trailer, provide access to traditionally difficult to reach locations, including, but not limited to:

  • Remote work sites

  • Snowmobile/ATV trails

  • Areas impeded by extreme weather

  • Farming areas

The modifications to the unit, including being fully enclosed and climate-controlled, allow for safe transportation of paramedics and patients in an environment comparable to a traditional ambulance. In addition, the enclosed response trailer can be utilized as a mobile command post.

DTSSAB EMS paramedics have received basic training on operations of the ORU and will continue to train and develop the program in the future. This initiative is new territory for DTSSAB EMS and to most paramedic services in Ontario.

We wish to publicly acknowledge those sponsors who made this initiative possible:

  • Frog’s Breath Foundation

  • Trans Canada

  • TC Energy

  • Earlton Green Tractors

  • OPG

  • Co-Op Regionale

  • Dr. Tarp

  • Northern Signs

  • The City of Temiskaming Shores

  • Alamos Gold

  • Kenogami Fire

  • Rowland Emergency

  • On Duty Equipment

  • Hydro One

  • Earlton RV

  • Agnico Eagle


No Injuries Resulting from Fire at 30 9th Ave.

In the mid-afternoon of May 25th, 2022, there was a minor fire at 30 9th Avenue, a 10-unit building in Englehart, Ontario. The cause of the fire was determined to be a result of work being conducted in the building by an external contractor. The safety measures in the building were efficiently implemented with all tenants being evacuated safely and the local fire department attending the building.

The fire was quickly controlled and then extinguished. The building was cleared by Englehart and Area Fire Chief in the early evening, permitting all tenants to re-enter their units through their external access doors. At the present it was determined that the damage was restricted to the central building and did not affect the tenant's units.

The Housing Services Management will be following up with restoration contractors to begin repairing the damages later this week.

The DTSSAB is thankful for the cooperation of the tenants of the building and the assistance of the Englehart and Area Fire Department.

The Community Paramedicine Long Term-Care Program Launch

The Community Paramedicine Long Term-Care program has begun treating patients in the Timiskaming District as of April 2022. There has been significant community engagement through referrals from Home and Community Care Support Services, medic referrals, the DTSSAB website, and word of mouth. Services are available 12hrs/7 days a week, with a phone number available for after-hours contact.

DTSSAB EMS is inspired by the level of passion of the Community Paramedic team. This group of individuals are enthusiastic about undertaking work that directly involves them with the community and helps bring peace of mind of a sense of stability to individuals, families and caregivers who are waiting on long-term care placement.

The DTSSAB announced the funding received from the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care of 2.5 million dollars to be disbursed over a 2.5 year period in March of this year. Part of this funding has been directed towards software, equipment, vehicles, hiring, and maintaining of staff. The staffing of the program will include 4 full-time medics, team lead, 8 alternate shift medics, and an Executive Assistant.

Future plans for the program include expansion by seeking a Medical Director to provide oversight for expansion of medical directives. In the future, this program may also include the use of Remote Patient Monitoring, which will increase the capacity of patients the program can undertake.

This week is Paramedic Services Week, with today specifically being dedicated to Civilian and Community Paramedics. The DTSSAB wishes to celebrate all of the paramedics and support staff that make up DTSSAB EMS as we graciously serve the district.